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Vgate vLinker FS USB 汽車檢測儀

發布時間:2022-05-16 14:17
地  區:廣東>深圳市>寶安區
公  司:深圳市車博通科技有限公司
聯 系 人:王玲玲
電  話: 86-0755-26417142
移動電話: 13008803665
傳  真: 86-0755-26419619
地  址: 深圳市南山區蛇口街道東角頭金世紀路半島城邦花園二期2棟第5層5C
郵  編: 518000
QQ: 2818804802 MSN: 13008803665
 Vgate vLinker FS USB 汽車檢測儀        
規  格: 型  號:Vgate vLinker FS USB 數  量:不限
品  牌:Vgate 包  裝:盒裝 價  格:面議

1. Made for FORScan
FORScan team recommends vLinker FS for its full FORScans advanced functions, Ford agreements and modules.
Support Ford Medium Speed CAN (MS CAN).

2. Support all vehicles complying with OBD-II standards.

3. Automatic electronic switching
This electronic switching allows FORScan to access all CAN buses at the same time and access advanced functions which the tacky manual toggle switch adapters can not available.

4. Compatible with 24V: Not only can it be used safely on 12V, but 24V system.

5. Fast, Rock-Solid USB interface connetion: No dropped packets, data corruption, network interference.

6. vLinker FS is a 32bits processor-based diagnostic tool.

7. vLinker FS OBD adapter with fast USB interface can reach the highest 3Mhz baud rate, and let you enjoy smoother graphics and real-time meters.

8. Read and clear the check engine indicator
Check the diagnostic code yourself and make a smart car repair plan.

9. BatterySaver Technology
Fully automatic standby and start: no switch or manual button required!
This technology allows you to safely insert the adapter into the OBD2 interface without removing it, and it will not cause danger to the car battery.

10. Support FEPS 18V programming voltage output.

11. OBD request byte up to 4128 bytes, can meet the needs of some special long frame communication.

12. The serial buffer is 8192 bytes.
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