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 【推薦】  【打印】  


發布時間:2021-05-10 13:27
地  區:廣東>深圳市>南山區
公  司:深圳市偉思創商貿有限公司
聯 系 人:黃金
電  話: 86-0755-86700920
移動電話: 13652431120
傳  真: 86-
地  址: 凱達爾中心大廈B座610
郵  編:
規  格: 型  號:OV05640-A71A 數  量:
品  牌:OmniVision豪威 包  裝: 價  格:面議

The OV5640 delivers a complete 5-megapixel camera solution on a single chip, aimed at offering cost efficiencies that serve the highvolume autofocus (AF) camera phone market. 

The system-on-achip (SOC) sensor features OmniVisions 1.4 micron OmniBSI™ backside illumination architecture to deliver excellent pixel performance and best-in-class low-light sensitivity, 

while enabling ultra compact camera module designs of 8.5 mm x 8.5 mm with <6 mm z-height. 

The OV5640 provides the full functionality of a complete camera, including anti-shake technology, AF control, and MIPI while being easier to tune then two-chip solutions, 

making it an ideal choice in terms of cost, time-to-market and ease of platform integration. 

The OV5640 enables 720p HD video at 60 frames per second (fps) and 1080p HD video at 30 fps with complete user control over formatting and output data transfer. 

The 720p/60 HD video is captured in full field of view (FOV) with 2 x 2 binning, which doubles the sensitivity and improves the signal-to-noise ratio (SNR). 

Additionally, a unique post-binning re-sampling filter function removes zigzag artifacts around slant edges and minimizes spatial artifacts to deliver even sharper, crisper color images. 

To further improve camera performance and user experience, the OV5640 features an internal anti-shake engine for image stabilization, and it supports Scalado™ tagging for faster image preview and zoom.
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